- Since 1992 -

What we Offer
fitness worksop
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Carpark sessions
Saturdays from 10th April @ 10am
Fitness Worksop
My name is Alison and I’m the founder of Alison Dolby Fitness & Dance Studio.
I absolutely love to help you be the best version of yourself, and my studio gives you a welcoming and safe place to work towards improving your fitness and wellbeing. I danced myself from the age of 3 to leaving school my focused shifted towards fitness and I qualified in 1992 to teach exercise to music, I couldn’t leave it at that I had the bug to carrying on building my business into a variety of disciplines in all aspects of fitness for the community so I enrolled in my courses and went on to gain more qualification in my now Studio timetable. Joining our fitness sessions gives you a variety of workouts to enjoy, progress and feel better inside and out.
Fitness Worksop
You are given lots of options by us as a team we will teach all fitness levels, ages, men, women, and all abilities, everyone is welcome it’s a real community atmosphere and I pride my Studio/Fitness Business on only delivering a friendly workout environment/space for you.
Fitness Worksop
The team at the studio are passionate about working in a group setting that’s welcoming and we all love to laugh, work hard and listen to you and help you reach your goals.
Our body transformations have been so successful for clients the results speak for themselves, I provide tailored food plans, and give all transformations groups a place to ask for help, set realistic goals but most importantly get you the results to be proud of.
Fitness Worksop
We’re letting you go. In other words, you’re fired.
I am not fond of fruit. However, I do like bananas.
In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching TV.
There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it keeps you healthy.
Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
I’ll start by telling you what transition words are.
Alison Dolby
We offer:
Kettlercise Combat
HIIT Training,
Indoor Cycling
Total body workouts
Body max
Pilates fusion
Bounce & Burn
Gentle exercises
Kids Street Dance
Kids Yoga
Leg, bums & tums
Retro Aerobics
1:1 Training
Fitness Worksop
I’ve always been a fad dieter. Dr Atkins, Weightwatchers, cabbage soup diets, you name it, I’ve tried it….and yet I always found myself back at my starting weight plus more! But now I know why it’s always failed. It’s not about quick fixes, losing a stone in a week or two and starving yourself in the process. It’s about your attitude to food and taking it back to basics, not novelty shakes, bars and ‘low sugar’ replacements.
8 weeks really is no time at all to commit to Alison’s transformation! Following the sensible, easy to follow food plan combined with a few hours a week focused exercise has given me great physical results and psychologically I’m in a much happier place!
My relationship with food has changed for the better and dropping two dress sizes has given me the impetus to continue to lose weight – and more importantly, inches – in a healthy, sustainable way.
In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.
Fitness Worksop
Having just completed my second 8 week body transformation challenge I would like to thank Alison Dolby for all of her help and encouragement.
She manages to make the classes good fun whilst still improving your fitness levels.
She has motivated me to push myself to be the best version of me! I am delighted with my results and will be forever grateful to her for her encouragement and support.
Alison is always available for advice on the eating plan and makes it easy to follow. It has now become a way of life for me to eat this way, and I will continue to attend the fantastic classes that she runs.
I have spent years attending gyms locally without achieving the results that I wanted, but within 6 months of joining Alison at her classes I have improved my fitness and reduced my weight considerably.
I would encourage anyway who is unhappy with the way they look or their level of fitness to look to Alison to help them.
Just want to say how impressed I am with this transformation Alison! Thank you so much! I tried on a work uniform today and got into a size 10!!! (They are big fitting though ). Didn’t ever think I’d feel as good in myself again as I do now and 3 more weeks to go
I’ve really enjoyed the 8 week challenge and feel great for having done it. The eating plans can be personalised for dietary needs and preferences, you still eat normal healthy food and don’t go hungry!
I’ve enjoyed Alison Dolby’s fitness classes for some time now but found that with the challenge it pushed me further, encouraged me to try new classes and change things up a bit. The support on the challenge from Alison and the other people in the challenge was great, the sufferfest Karaoke was certainly memorable!
From doing the challenge my fitness has definitely improved, I feel stronger and my running speed has improved. I’ve lost weight, toned up and feel more confident for it. If you’re looking for a plan that works for improving fitness and wellbeing and losing weight then I would highly recommend doing one of Alison’s challenges, they really work as long as long as you stick with it!
Fitness Worksop
Always love her classes, superb instructors and always welcoming